Our Mission

Transforming Networking for the Digital Age

My Monty Card is committed to transforming how professionals network. Our digital platform not only replaces outdated business cards but also enhances every connection, helping businesses grow faster and more efficiently.

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Message from CEO

“At My Monty Card, our goal is to revolutionize the way you network. We’re focused on providing tools that make your connections stronger and your business more successful.”

Dominic White

CEO & Co-Founder

Connect with Confidence

A Smarter Way to Network

My Monty Card offers a comprehensive solution for managing your professional connections. Did you know that 88% of traditional business cards are thrown away within 24 hours? With My Monty Card, all your details are stored in one secure, easily accessible place, ensuring that your information is always available when it counts. This means you can network more effectively, seize every opportunity, and never worry about missing out on important connections.

Core Values

At the heart of My Monty Card are our core values of innovation, integrity, and dedication to customer success. These principles guide us in building a platform that transforms the way professionals connect and achieve their goals.

Our Vision

Our vision is to transform networking into a powerful tool for growth and opportunity. We see a future where My Monty Card is the standard for professional connections, helping businesses and individuals achieve their full potential.

Our Mission

We are on a mission to make professional networking more effective and accessible for everyone. Our goal is to provide a platform that transforms how professionals connect, ensuring that every interaction leads to new opportunities.

What Sets Us Apart

Leading the Way in Digital Networking

My Monty Card offers a comprehensive solution to elevate your professional connections.

Always accessible digital business card

Your Monty Card is always accessible, stored securely in your smartphone wallet, ready to share anytime.

Detailed analytics to track networking success

Gain valuable insights with detailed analytics, allowing you to monitor and optimize your networking efforts.

Efficient and easy-to-use platform

My Monty Card simplifies your networking process with an intuitive and efficient platform that anyone can use.


User Reviews

Richard Malpeli
Richard Malpeli
FL Recruitment
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One of the best things I have seen in a long time. They always say the best inventions are usually the simplest and easiest to use!
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My team and I love using My Monty Card. Beats competition out the water. The team is also super responsive,
Adventure Elliot
Adventure Elliot
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I bought My Monty Card and I’ve used it over 30 times in the last month while traveling.. incredible tool and totally worth it!


Questions & Answers

My Monty Card was inspired by the need for a more effective and digital solution to traditional business cards, recognizing that physical cards are often lost or forgotten.

My Monty Card integrates seamlessly with smartphone wallets, offers real-time analytics, and allows for customized user interactions, setting it apart from other digital card solutions.


By offering a digital alternative to paper business cards, My Monty Card helps reduce deforestation and waste, contributing to a more sustainable environment.

My Monty Card is perfect for professionals from all industries who want to streamline networking, track their connections, and maximize business growth.

Setting up My Monty Card takes less than 30 seconds, with an intuitive platform designed for users of all technical backgrounds.

Yes, My Monty Card is ideal for both small and large businesses, offering features that cater to individual professionals as well as entire teams.

Our core values are innovation, integrity, and customer success, guiding us in providing a top-tier networking solution that meets the needs of professionals.

My Monty Card allows users to connect instantly, manage contacts efficiently, and track interactions with detailed analytics, making networking more effective and measurable.

The biggest challenge was finding the right product-market fit, which we addressed by refining our features and pricing model to better align with user needs.

My Monty Card helps businesses grow by enhancing networking opportunities, providing tools for real-time connection management, and offering analytics to track success.


My Monty Card

Join now and see the difference. My Monty Card helps you network effectively and boost revenue.